The Human Quotient:
People-Centric Strategies for Successful DAM Change Management & Adoption
Authored by

With particular thanks to Aniruddha Mukherjee for his passion & persistence in advocating the value of the Human Quotient for DAM implementation and for driving the development of this and further ICP Change Management content.
With thanks to contributing editors:
Simon Finnerty, Meredith Edwards & Aniruddha Mukherjee for their time & expertise in the review & curation of this paper.
Projects with excellent change management are 6 times more likely to exceed their objectives
Prosci, 2020, Best Practices in Change Management
For every dollar spent on change management, Prosci estimates an average return of $6.50 in project success and ROI.
Prosci, 2020, Best Practices in Change Management
Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems are central to modern marketing operations, providing an essential infrastructure for organizing, retrieving, and orchestrating the distribution of digital assets across departments, users and downstream channels. But while these systems promise efficiency and streamlined workflows, the success of DAM initiatives depends largely on one often-overlooked factor: people.
This whitepaper highlights the increasing need to consider the "Human Quotient" in DAM implementation & adoption—specifically, a focus on the psychological, social, and emotional dimensions that influence whether new technology will be embraced or ignored. Drawing from real-world examples and change management principles, we will examine employable strategies and best practices to ensure people remain central to DAM adoption efforts.
This content is designed for leaders driving DAM implementation, including C-suite executives, marketing operations managers, and change management specialists. Its insights are tailored to help decision-makers ensure that their teams embrace new technology through consideration of the Human Quotient within their change management strategy so that DAM implementation & adoption is an empowering transition rather than just another system rollout.