DAM-Driven Production Towards a Connected Ecosystem
The Mental Shift

Both agencies and enterprises need to re-think the way they are creating content at the source.
For the organizations that manage to effectively integrate production and DAM, tasks such as variant creation for different channels, regions or countries are no longer manual, and the days of designers hand-crafting each individual asset for particular markets or consumer groups become a thing of the past.
From its vast experience, ICP has seen that mass personalization at scale requires more of teams. Unfortunately, the sting is that enterprises’ investment in this space isn’t keeping pace with the needs of content creation and production. There’s an imperative that production teams find ever more efficient ways to implement the models that adapt and deliver more for less, and quickly.
Both agencies and enterprises need to re-think the way they are creating content at the source. We’re still in a world where everything is freshly baked. We haven’t yet adapted to rapidly localize advertising. But in order to scale, we need to move beyond the ‘here’s something we made last year, let’s just update it’. Presently, the way of working isn’t to re-cycle -- rather, it’s to do the 400th shot of the product. They’re making the mistake of not looking in the fridge before going to the store to buy more food.
The new, more scalable, and sustainable future is focused on the re-use and re-purposing of high-quality assets. Its also focused on content modularity - whereby content snippets can easily be re-purposed and re-used across channels. While more innovative brands and agencies have begun to create technology ecosystems that give them the insight to serve up proven, successful assets alongside content that’s personalized, most are in the very early stages. What’s holding many brands back is the mental shift.
So what’s involved in making the transition?
- Empathy. Recognize that these new ways of working turn 150 years of know-how on its head. Existing agency financial models also resist the principle of reuse. Don’t under-estimate the cultural change that your organization is going to go through. True behavioral change takes time, but it will be worth every ounce of investment.
- Education. Going from “freshly baked” localized advertising and marketing to more re-use driven production requires an understanding of how it works, the increased ROI, and the technologies that make it possible. Unlocking value for each stakeholder requires well crafted communications that will help manage expectations and drive adoption.
- Process shift. Re-use and re-purposing assets you’ve already created must come first, before commissioning anything new. This is where the power of DAM comes in: with centralized assets linked to your production tools, easily findable and re-usable assets are at your fingertips. Doing things differently, for large organizations, does not come easily. Change management is no longer an option, but an imperative. Fortunately, there are experts at hand to help.
- Paradigm shift. Design concepts must be approached as an adaptable template that encourages re-use. Content must be modular, so that smaller pieces of it can be re-used and adapted by channel and for different audiences. Brand managers, asset librarians, and designers need to have intimate knowledge of the assets and data available to drive dynamic production, even before they start to design.
The Transition

True behavioral change takes time, but it will be worth every ounce of investment.